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Be Happy!

Urgh. Rainy season. It’s upon us. But there’s no need to be down – in fact, being positive may actually help you stay in good physical health, too.

Depression can lead to or worsen digestive disorders, will negatively impact your sleep and may even cause heart problems. On the other hand, good mental health does pretty much the opposite. Happy days!

So here are some tips on losing the blues and turning that frown upside down.


Savour the small things

We can all take joy in big things: your wedding day, the birth of your child, hearing you’re gonna get that big promotion at work … but these don’t come around that often. Learn to take in and appreciate the small things that happen every day and your mood could reap rewards. Savour that morning coffee instead of chugging it down like it’s fuel. Enjoy a home-cooked meal or dinner out with friends. Sit back and appreciate the time you spend with friends or family. Learn to do this and be happier.

See the light

Getting enough sunlight is important to help your body regulate sleep. It can also improve your mood and morning sunshine can be particularly good, as it’ll also help you wake up. So try having breakfast by a window, walking a little on your way to work or even cycling to get your daily dose of rays.


Spread the joy!

Though there is no proven causal link, multiple studies have suggested an association between gratitude and greater well-being; indicating that taking time to say thank you to others may be all it takes to give your own mood (and of course theirs) a short-term lift.

Go for that daily goal

Exercise releases endorphins that make you feel happier. Take a stroll after lunch, go for a run before work or when you get home. Get yourself some fresh air and the benefits of natural sunlight – just remember your sunscreen. Then you can stay healthy and happy.

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Mon - Fri, 8:00 am - 5:00 pm excluding public holidays.


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