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Health First, then everything else follows.

But our health is never predictable, is it?

Throughout social media and along the road see a significant increase of cyclists who enjoy it for leisure and healthy lifestyle. Being healthy is now considered as the number one asset we should possess because without one, nothing else can be accomplished in life. Because of your healthy condition today, you will probably live your life believing that nothing serious can happen to you. However, the truth is that you cannot be so sure that you are going to wake up tomorrow just as fine as today. You might not be able to live the life you are today, yet will you still take today for granted? Before tomorrow arrives and after reading this article, we hope today is the last day you take your health for granted, for our health is never predictable.

Health First, then everything else follows.


According to a recent study, there are approximately 30 trillion cells in human body. Some cells are constantly dying, some are reborn, and some are mutating. If our cells are duplicating, they can be healthy and our body will function normally. However if our cells somewhat start mutating, the beginning of problem will rise. This problem has nothing to do with us. It is not genetic, or our bad habit we do to our body, but it is cancer.

Our Habits

If you keep indulging your body with the habits that damaging it, you can only expect repercussions to come your way. Fatal illnesses like heart attack, lung disease, cancer or kidney failure are common things that results from poor diet, smoking and alcohol addiction.

Unexpected Incident

Sometimes our cells work perfectly fine and we pick up many good habits to build a healthy lifestyle but we can fall sick in a random occurrence by picking up an infection or getting impacted by the global pandemic like SARs or COVID-19. How could we expect that?

To tackle the unpredictability of our health does not mean you have to always keep worrying whether your cells are going to duplicate and mutate or trying to predict the unexpected incident. Worrying will not only take away your time and energy but also won’t help make it better. In case of critical illness, you will have to worry on the finance and where to get the best treatment. With Manulife’s critical illness coverage, you can let us take care of the financial aspect while you can focus on your recovery.  Because Manulife will cover up to US$ 200,000 over 26 critical illnesses.  With insurance in your hand, you now can enjoy today with confidence, knowing tomorrow is covered.

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