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future plan

future plan

future plan

future plan

future plan


Start planning for the future


We all have different hopes and dreams for the future, but the way we turn them into reality may be the same.


Whether your goal is to buy your first apartment, build up an education fund for your child or retire early, the key is in saving.Even that round-the-world trip or dream sports car requires some form of funding. While you may not have a specific goal in mind, the benefits of saving a little bit each month will reap rich rewards in the future. The earlier you start the savings habit, the quicker you will reach your goals and the easier it gets.

Giving your child a head start in life is one such goal that you can’t afford to leave too late. To help them achieve their full potential, saving into an education fund is hard to beat.

future plan

While saving for the future, you can also protect at the same time with a savings plan that includes life insurance. It’s all part of planning ahead and future-proofing you and your loved ones.

Of course, sometimes our future plans change. We may decide to get married and settle down rather than go traveling around the world for a year. Or we may choose to stay in our job longer and not take early retirement after all. So it helps if your savings plan is also flexible too, as it adapts to the changing course of your life.

You may actually be saving for more than one goal at the same time, many of us are. The key is to start as soon as possible, have a disciplined savings plan, and then make your dreams become reality.

Learn more how you can start planning:

Manulife Education Protector

Learn more about other life planning options:

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Monday - Friday, 8:00 am - 5:00 pm excluding public holidays.